
Hello!  I am Ilana and welcome to my blog!  I have had a lifetime love affair with books.  My earliest memory is of watching my mother read in bed and staring at the pages and then eventually turning them.  I had not yet learned to read but wanted to be like my mom, so I took a book, stared at the page, and when I thought enough time had passed I would turn a page.  Of course I eventually learned what magic each page held and the worlds books could help transport you to.  My earliest book loves were Nancy Drew, Laura Ingalls and Judy Blume.  I soon moved on to  the worlds of Narnia, hobbits, and Little Women.

I am glad that I grew up right before the world of computers and the internet took over.  I think of myself as having one foot in the pre-computer world and the other one steeped in it.  I love e-books, blogs, booktube, movies and television.  I love being told stories in all formats, but books are still my first love.

I was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York where I currently live with my husband, also from Brooklyn, and are raising 2nd generation Brooklynites.  We have a daughter and son who also love stories, but the movie and tv kind.  I keep my fingers crossed that the book bug will one day bite them.

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